The intense journey of following my heart – even when it seems crazy… (pod)

When Lili Öst phoned me to find out if I could be a match for her and her popular pod, we could not stop talking. Had we not had other meetings planned for that day, we might still be on the phone!
So yes, we were a match.
And since you and I are already a match, I am sure that you will love Lili too.
Maybe you already know this energetic Wonder Woman?
Lili Öst is the much-appreciated coach, author, and speaker who combines behavioral sciences with the law of attraction.
She has run her popular podcast Attraktionslagen 2.0 since 2018 (!).
Lili wants to inspire us to be conscious thinkers, so we can take control over our lives and be the best version of ourselves, by which she, of course, means the version we enjoy the most.
And on top of all of her achievements and accomplishments, she’s just tops! A beautiful, fun, warm, and wonderful human being.
I’m more than honored to have been her guest on her pod!
It is time to not only listen, but act, on your inner guidance.
Our conversation circled questions about daring to follow your heart and soul – even when they speak ”crazy” stuff.
Like when my soul told me to quit coaching and start painting.
– Painting?!? But that’s crazy!
That was, of course, my immediate response.
One year later, still in love with painting, I have my first exhibition coming up, not regretting following that crazy guidance one bit.
How did I know that this was for real? How did I dare follow the guidance? What happened when I did?
I hope my story can inspire you to follow the guidance of your heart.
What is your ”crazy” dream?
The thing that your soul keeps making hints about? The thing deep down in your heart that you thought never would be possible – so you stopped dreaming about it?
In my world, you have gotten your dreams for a reason. It might not be what you think it is, but as soon as you start listening to and acting upon these dreams, the magic starts happening.
They speak to you about the sweet spot between the gifts you are here to offer and that which will make you feel most satisfied.
So please listen to that silent longing, that small voice. It is your inner guidance, your truth.
I hope that Lili’s and my conversation will inspire you to not only listen to your inner guidance but also start acting upon it.