Welcome to my world of Vibrational Art!
This page, as well as my life, is under construction. Mostly I’m cocooning in my studio, leaving it only for exhibitions or inspirations. Please subscribe to my Studio Musings at the bottom of the page to always be in the know of all things Gårdheim ART. With love,
Carolina Gårdheim
The Yearning of the Soul
Every one of us is born a Creator. We all constantly bring things into existence in different ways.Sometimes we create from our intention, aiming for a specific result.
At other times, we create from our soul, yearning for nothing more than the gratitude of being part of the creative flow that is life. In doing this, we have no idea where we are heading. We are just a tool, an empty chalice, letting the creative force flow and create through us – as I do when painting.
Is it easy? Does it always make me happy? Am I constantly working in flow?
No. No, no, no. This journey – following the soul, creating from within – is much harder than we imagine when first embarking upon it. Why?
Because the purpose of the soul journey is growth. And without pain, there will not be any growth.
So why do it? Let me quote Frida Kahlo, ”I paint because I need to.”
For me, it lights me up from within. It gives my world meaning. And it is healing because it lets me stay in daily contact with the life force itself. All of this helps me through any necessary darker parts of the journey.
What is your soul’s yearning? And what small step can you take today to follow that inner longing?