Meet my Dancing Queens at Överbysalongen

I just learned that the jury chose one of my paintings to be included in the juried art exhibition Överbysalongen! I am so grateful – this is my first.
As an autodidact artist, it can be important to win entry to juried art shows. It could be compared to the importance of working up a stellar CV for a professional looking to advance her career.
Överbysalongen is the first juried exhibition I have ever applied to. And my painting got chosen to participate!
Can you imagine the happy dance I am performing right now?
Let her DANCE
The painting I won entry with is called Dancing Queens (Let her DANCE).
It is special to me.
I finished it around the time of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021.
Looking at the dresses/women dancing in my painting, I wanted to dedicate it to all the girls there, that might no longer be allowed to dance – either not to their tune or not at all.
May we never stop standing up for your right to dance, study, and enjoy life in the way you choose!
Meet my Dancing Queens (and many other artworks in different techniques) at Överby Gård Konstcentrum in Sollentuna, Stockholm, Sweden. The exhibition runs October 16th-31st, 2021.