Want to Stay in Touch?
My newsletter (or rather, very sporadic emails with Studio Musings) is the very best way.I need lots of space and am therefore not daily on social media, even though I do pop in there from time to time. And social media posts are so easy to miss. Right?
My newsletter ”Studio Musings” is my sacred communication channel.
I would love to stay in touch! To get to share musings about art, life & the creative journey, about following your heart and soul. Let you meet new paintings and invite you to exhibitions and other exciting events.
I promise I will not spam you – I have more important things to do (like painting). You will only hear from me when I have something to tell you that I think you might enjoy.
Also, know that your email address is safe with me. I would never share it with anyone else.
Let’s explore this journey of the soul, the (he)art & the creativity together.